It is with a huge smile on my face that I write to you all about Gina and Mike’s wedding this weekend. In Atlanta. While our kids were in Chicago. Yup, first trip away with my husband since we had kids.
It was also a reunion of my high school pals, some of them travelled as far as Shanghai. Another one managed to pull the trip off just three days after she moved from Alaska to Utah.
Gina has some very loyal friends. Which makes sense because at the rehearsal dinner most of the speeches about Gina described her giving, selfless nature and her great ability to bring people together.
Heath spoke about Gina’s generous nature.
Holly gave a touching speech about how Gina’s face was the first one her mother saw when she woke up from surgery.
Mike’s friends took turns roasting and talking about how great he was. No one bothered to mention his kidney, which is actually just to the right of Holly in this picture, in his mother -Cindy.
Yes, Gina married a saint. He GAVE HIS KIDNEY TO HIS MOTHER.
Here are us Boca High Bobcats at the rehearsal dinner that evening…
Gina’s nephew Johnny is photo bombing us, in case you didn’t see it.
The next day Adam and I DID not wake to crying, for once. It was an incredible feeling. I actually felt guilty how easy it was to separate myself from the kids. Since I hardly spend time away from them I figured I’d be lost. But I was fine, just occasionally it felt like a limb was missing or something.
Adam and I managed to fit in an incredible trail run on Saturday afternoon. The weather was gorgeous and it was an unusual treat to be able to run with him again. In fact, the last time we trail ran together was on our honeymoon!
That evening we reconvened for the wedding. It was a camera free zone, but it was a beautiful, yet surprisingly ornate Lutheran church.
Jessica sang Ava Maria in Italian for the service. Even if I got a picture I don’t think it would do it justice. That song feels like it was written directly from a heavenly place and Jessica did not disappoint. Jessica was the friend who married Adam and I if any of you reading remember.
Later we were bussed to the wedding reception. Here we are again…
I didn’t get many pictures of the wedding, probably because I spent most of it like this…
I danced so hard and was so sweaty and hot all night I was sure I was going through menopause.
I did manage to get a picture of this fabulous wedding cake. They had a Croquembouche, which I only know about because my mother made one once and it was the hardest thing she ever did. And she experimented in the kitchen A LOT.
Gina and Mike, I know you are secluded off in Tahiti somewhere but I’m wishing you the all the happiness and fulfillment that marriage has brought me. It was the greatest thing I ever did in my life and I hope the same for you both.