The Twins Turn Twelve

Unfortunately for the twins, their birthday fell on the Friday night that we were travelling to St. Louis for a Soccer Tournament.

They were super cool about it, though. Didn’t complain at all when, instead of treating them like the little princes they are, we made them drive 5 hours after school to arrive in St. Louis very late at night.

The last time we were at this tournament we ended up with adjoining rooms that were located right behind the check in desk and next to the elevators. We all slept poorly with pillows over our heads. We also lost every game we played. So I went into this year’s tournament with some trepidation.

We changed the hotel we stayed at and got a much better, quieter rooms.

Not so quiet after we arrive!

The twins seemed untraumatized by last year’s events. They went about their weekend in their charming, merry ways.

I’m so pleased they are such good friends

This year, they played a lot bettered and it showed!

Sam plays Defense and is like Roy Kent – He’s Everywhere!
Soccer at the Travel Level gets very Physical
Small but Mighty
Aaron Steals the Ball
Now that they are Older, Headers are Legal
Aaron Trying for a Goal
Will it Go In?
Aaron’s Signature Celebratory Airplane Arms
Team Mate Approval
As Always, Aaron looks for Adam’s Approval as well

We didn’t win enough games to play in the finals, but at least we didn’t lose every game like last year either! The twins wanted to go see the City Museum so with the afternoon now free, we headed over.

Lots of Nooks and Crannys to climb into
Slides in all kinds of weird places
Breaking off in Groups of Two and Riding the Ferris Wheel
Outdoor Area, Aaron was not a fan of the height!
Slushies and Pizza for Lunch

Since we couldn’t celebrate this weekend, we booked a special dinner the next weekend.

Missing Jack who’s friend had a Birthday Party on the Same Night
All Chocolate Cake from Sweet Mandy B’s

And the celebration continues! The twins chose to delay their birthday party by a month so they could have their party at a floating water park. Stay tuned, that blog is coming soon….

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