Last Four Days of Hanukkah 2019

On the fourth day of Hanukkah, Sam also told me that the Hanukkah bears have been forgetting to include their big friend. So, on the fifth night, he joined the bear’s book fort.

On the sixth night, the bears got naughty with shaving cream.

And on the seventh night, the bears showed up in our underwear.

The eighth and final night, the bears they got the ball pit out.

The ball pit grabbed a lot of attention from the kids!

The entire time, my father was here, giving our kids much needed attention.

We managed to get out a bit with the kids too. One night, we went to see the Illumination lights at the Morton Arboretum.

Afterwards, we ate dinner at Maggiano’s. An impromptu game of telephone had us giggling and laughing the entire time.

We also managed to get out a bit without the kids, thanks to my father.

We got to see my friend Jessica who lives in Florida but was visiting her husband’s family in the suburbs.

And we had another date night, this time to see the Andy Warhol exhibit at the Art Institute followed by a fabulous dinner at Trattoria 10.

It was really nice this year to have every day of Hanukkah off of school. The boys are getting along much better these day, they are all getting older and can play things together. The dreidel game no longer ends in tears. For days, they have been obsessed with a four person Xbox game called, “Gang Beast.” I’m not sure how you win, but it sure gets a lot of giggling and screaming.

It was really nice having my father here. Managing the house with the kids in it all the time was so much easier with him around. He was so helpful, not just giving the kids tons of attention, and babysitting so Adam and I could go out, and cleaning things, but he fixed a bunch of things around the house for us – Jack’s desk drawer, a leaky sink, and a closet door. Everyone was so sad to say goodbye to him today.

Hope everyone reading this is enjoying their holiday as well!

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First Four Days of Hanukkah

Hanukkah started badly. I woke up after an epic night out for Adam’s friend’s 50th birthday and Sam said, “The Hanukkah Bears forgot to show up.”

Naughty Saturday Night Out.

I felt terrible. So, when we went out for Dim Sum that morning, I quickly staged them.

Grandpa is in town this week helping out.

The boys found them when we got back.

Pretending the floor is lava is a favorite game of our kids.

We celebrated the first night of Hanukkah and played the first of many Dreidel games.

That night I almost forgot again! But Jack reminded my by asking me what I had planned. Yes, he is so old he is in cahoots with me now.

The morning after I set up the Bear vs. Army men scene, I woke up to the sound of crashing. Someone had knocked down one of the forts when they were looking at it. Then, I heard Sam’s little voice, “The Hanukkah Bears won!”.

My Dad has been an incredible help while he has been here. Having an extra adult around has given the kids a much richer vacation. They get so much more attention!

He brought up my old science fair project to show the kids.

Grandpa is teaching Sam chess.

And he can stay with some kids while I take others out, like this Pokeman walk.

Occasionally, I was able to get all the kids out for some fresh air and sunshine.

Playing 500.

Grandpa is always around helping when needed. Here he is helping Aaron crack his Geode, a present for Hanukkah.

After another night of Hanukkah, opening wonderful gifts and playing more Dreidel games, I set up the bears again.

This time, I set up a scene from the Blue Man Group, a show we saw for my birthday. For dessert that night, the kids got to try their first Twinkie. (And hopefully their last?)

Last night was Christmas Eve, we celebrated it with Matzoh Ball soup and Latkes.

Ben helped make the Latkes.

He was very happy with the way they came out.

We opened more presents! Aaron got this time a 3D printing pen from Aunt Lara and her family.

Jack and Sam split a Nintendo and every night they have been opening new games.

This morning, the kids found the Bears by the fireplace.

The Bears stole Santa’s sack of goodies.

When they opened Santa’s bag, they found lots of Christmas candy.

Today we are continuing the Jewish tradition of movies and Chinese food on Christmas day. Again, thanks to my father, we were able to take the older boys to see the new Star Wars movie while he watched the twins.

Stay tuned for another four days….

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47th Birthday

This weekend I celebrated my 47th birthday. Yes, it was a weekend long celebration. An amazing celebration. Full of amazing!

It started Friday morning. We had our usual donuts and egg sandwiches from Dunkin Donuts.

Then I opened presents. I got this Instant Pot from my sister, which amazingly has SEVEN different functions. It amazes me that one thing can be a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, sauté pan, yogurt maker and warmer!

That’s as amazing as someone who can be an all in one cook, chauffeur, maid, tutor, playmate, family therapist and babysitter.

I’m JOKING! The weekend is over, so technically I shouldn’t be sitting here on a Monday morning, still celebrating me. Did you see what I just did? I just rolled this weekend celebration of me into next week. Does that mean I can eat some more birthday cake now?

Okay back to opening presents. Besides the Instant Pot, I also got lots of cards with money. The kids managed to find yet another new card that joked about farts and poop. I’m also amazed at how many variations of fart and poop birthday cards are out there.

Once we shuttled all the kids and the hubby to school and work, Mom and I went and got massages from my favorite reflexology place, Fit Foot.

Then, I wanted to take Mom to see my friend Tami’s new restaurant location. She has opened another Goddess and the Baker ( in River North.

When I got there, Tami was there. She bought my mother and me lunch AND gave us a rainbow cake to bring home! The level of generosity was, well it was amazing.

That night we ate out again, this time at Shine. ( More birthday celebration! Amazing!

Then, back home to make some wishes and eat some cake.

The Famous Goddess and The Baker Rainbow Cake

The next night, we had a sitter. Adam and I went to a holiday party with the most amazing, diverse group of people. We also had our own amazing date night afterwards.

Sunday, I got another birthday treat. Adam very generously bought us all tickets see the Blue Man group.

What did the kids think about the show? It was amazing.

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