The realization that this is the last day of summer vacation is that only thing that kept me from being in complete distress when my Dad left this morning.
He was so much help, and in the very best way.
Not only is he the lowest maintenance guest a person could host, (eating whatever is put in front of him, leaving less mess than he makes, not ever, not even once, asking to do anything for himself) but he also very unassumingly finds ways to help. Dishes were done, laundry was left upstairs folded and neat. The best thing he did was he put the kids first, even if it meant putting down the dish he was cleaning to pay attention to them.
I had a play date one afternoon. The woman sat upstairs gossiping, Dad was downstairs getting beat up by a cackle of kids.

Dad kept Jack and Ben in giggles at our rooftop lunch at the EBC

Even though he wasn’t wearing swim clothes, he still found humor in Aaron dumping this water all over him.

Curious Sam gets much closer to Dad’s computer than he would ever be allowed to mine!
For all the pictures I got of him with the kids, there were many more moments where he babysat while I did things with other kids or alone. School meet and greets, shopping, and date nights are a few things that come to mind.
His presence in the house made for a much more calm atmosphere. I found myself more relaxed, I worried less about pushing everyone to get out every day because I knew they could have a blast with their Grandfather anywhere.
Until next time Grandpa Devensky! We’ll miss you!
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