From November 2013. Posted by Nikki Devensky Calisoff on 11/30/2013 (50 items)
- Candy Haul from Halloween. Noticed Ben’s is twice as big as Jack’s.
- Jack’s candy hall. Lemonheads are his favorite.
- Chocolate pudding.
- You never stop being a mom, eh? Japo with Ben.
- Japo and Aaron, Jack and Ben at the Chicago Children’s Museum.
- Chicago Children’s Museum.
- Chicago Children’s Museum.
- Sam and Japo formed a special bond this visit.
- Now that Ben isn’t at school, I’ve been teaching him how to spell…
- Adam had to work Saturday morning, but it didn’t stop us from getting out of the hous…
- Tire flipping. Yes, we pay a lot of money to a gym to basically do farm work.
- How sweet is Jack, wiping Sam’s face?
- And how sweet is Adam, sleeping next to Ben at 2am while he’s sick?
- When I asked for help, how Jack ‘put away’ my paper towels.
- How laundry is done in our house.
- Ben started kissing the twins this month. Here he is smooching Aaron.
- What happens when I ignore the kids and clean up the dishes for 10 minutes.
- I thought the first time I slammed it in the door hurt, but the second time was much …
- Field Museum. How we get some nature in the winter.
- Field Museum, drum room.
- Hanukkah present for 8 nights for 4 boys. You have to be an organizing wizard to get …
- Two hours of wrapping for Hanukkah, then labeling each present by son, day to give, a…
- All wrapped and labeled presents were stuck in 8 separate bags and lined up by day.
- More mess from their favorite game – taking all the stuffed animals, blankets, and pi…
- Ben somehow figures out how to change my phone to Japanese.
- First night of Hanukkah!!!
- Thanksgiving spread.
- Thanksgiving dinner in our jammies. Why? Because we could.
- Store bought cake with home made frosting. Jack and Ben picked the dessert for Thanks…
- Half a cake for our family, and two of us have a combined age of 2!
- Another day, another pile of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals.
- Making cookies.
- Went cookie crazy on over the Thanksgiving break.
- Mischievous Hanukkah Bears showed up at our house after the first night of Hanukkah. …
- The second night the Hanukkah Bears decided to zip line across our front room with th…
- The second night the Hanukkah Bears decided to zip line across our front room with th…
- Hanukkah Bears Thanksgiving get-up.
- The third night was black Friday. So the Hanukkah bears battled the Christmas mascots…
- Our toilet paper roll Christmas mascots.
- Not all of them were in a marshmallow battle, some just made marshmallow men. And one…
- The boys woke up and basically had marshmallows for breakfast thanks to those naughty…
- Day 4 of Mischievous Hanukkah bears.
- They also had a bear audience.
- Dave and Caryn’s.
- Kids at Dave and Caryn’s.
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(November 2013; 50 photos)