Last night the twins had the pleasure of being ring bearer’s for their long time sitter, Anjelica.

They were suppose to walk with the cutie pie next to them but she refused to hold their hands, even though they were both down with it. And so it starts.
The twins played their parts perfectly. I was pleased and surprised that they were able to follow the instructions and remember them two days later at the actual wedding.

In fact, taking the kids to something like this, as hard as it is, (I spent most of my time walking back and forth to the bathroom, they did not appreciate the long car rides both ways or having to sit in their seats for hours eating and listening to the adults talk. Oh, and at the end of the evening Aaron puked all over Sam) it was really worth it.
Jack surprised me with his interest in social skills and how adventurous he was, trying all the new appetizers and giving the thumbs up for most of them. Shrimp cocktail, lobster salad, caprese toasts. I didn’t get him to eat the lamb chops but Ben did!

First of hopefully many good times together over drinks, in fancy dress. Probably won’t be Shirley Temples and OJ, though…
We were very lucky to have my Mom here. Yep, Anjelica even invited her to the wedding. Japo couldn’t wait to see her grandkids down the aisle!
Overall it was an amazing night. The wedding was perfection. Every single detail. Perfect dress, perfect venue, perfect food, perfect flowers, perfect priest service, perfect speeches, perfect parents hosting and most importantly -the perfect couple.
Sam was enamored by Anjelica’s beauty (he is used to having her around in the clothes he covered with his sticky hands) that he tried to follow her around the entire wedding. Every time he saw her he would jump with glee.
We were so happy and humbled to be asked to join in this special day!

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