Besides all the other great things we did in LA, there were a lot of other great moments worth mentioning.
Like the afternoon the cousins came over and we went swimming at the hotel pool. afterwards we ate lunch poolside, a treat so luxurious and vacationy it reminded me of my days in Hong Kong.
Or all the great food. Authentic Mexican, an insane buffet breakfast that we pigged out at every morning, yummy Korean food that Joy and Sean treated us to, afternoons full of frozen yogurt and so much more…

Can you get bad Mexican food in LA? All the kids (and parents too) loved this meal.

I definitely grew another stomach this week.

Joy and Sean treat us to this Korean Feast!
We got more family photos in one week than we get in one year on this trip…
We saw lots and lots of parks. Roxbury, Homby Park, La Brea Tar Pits…

Roxbury was excellent for all our kids. It was easy to see them at all times too.

Homby was a bit of a nightmare. close to the street with lots of open exits and swings that were poorly placed.

La Brea Tar Pits were better for our older kids.
For some reason our move from one hotel room to another struck me as funny…
I got some great photos of my nephew’s baseball game. Unfortunately they are in the camera I left in our hotel room this morning. As you can tell from the blog, I LOVE MY CAMERA. So it was pretty upsetting to leave it behind accidentally. But not as upsetting as leaving my backpack with wallet in it behind on the limo ride home from the airport.
But let’s not dwell on the problems, because there is nothing more I can do to fix them right now anyway. Everyone just cross your fingers for me that it all works out in the end.
Let’s go back to talking about our trip. That is a much more pleasant place to dwell!
We saw some things that only happen in LA, like randomly walking past George Kotsiopoulos filming at The Grove. It’s always unnerving to see people you watch on TV standing in front of you in real life.
Or the night Adam had a work dinner and walked out to see a black SUV turned over and on fire on the street. They were filming something. Because that’s what happens in LA!
Or even seeing the news LA style, where everything is reported from a helicopter.
It was good to get away, I think the boys really learned a lot and grew on this trip. But great to come home to the comforts of my own home and schedule too.
Good-bye LA! Until next time…
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