Happy 9th Birthday Jack!
This was quite a year for Jack.
This year Jack got his own bedroom. I marveled how easily he closed the door and put himself to bed right from the get go. A short year ago he was upset if Ben was in a different bed than him, forget about a different room!
He started the school year almost getting a D in English but with a lot of hard work and perseverance he made the honor roll this semester. Some nights he does 2 or 3 hours of homework just to keep up, but he never complains. He just bears down and gets it done.
He has also continued to be a great big brother for all his siblings. He is at an age where I can ask him to help, really help. Not just grab a diaper for me but help me calm a screaming toddler and he has the social mastery to achieve it.
And in his normal unassuming fashion, he had very simple wishes for his birthday.
We started the morning with birthday pancakes.
Afterwards, he tried on the new outfit Bubbie got him – Lionel Messi’s soccer uniform. And he wore it while battling Adam with his new Nerf Guns.
Next he went to Hebrew school. Ben is already asking for the day off of school for his birthday, but Jack continued with his obligations like the responsible little person I can see him growing into.
He picked the Rainforest Cafe as his birthday lunch spot. He wanted to take all his brothers there to enjoy the lunch with him.

Growling Alligator was Fascinating.

Tree Frog Siting.

Lava Cake dessert, which Jack shared with all of us.

Ben enjoyed the dessert in his usual fashion.
In the afternoon Jack wanted to take all the gift cards he got for his birthday and spend them. So Adam dropped me home with the other kids and they spent the afternoon at the Lego store, Target, and Toys R Us.
Adam spoiled him rotten at the Lego Store. Jack was lucky he went with Adam and not me. Not that Jack doesn’t deserve spoiling, he really has worked very hard and behaved very well this year. It’s just that Adam’s idea of spoiling and my idea of spoiling are different. Adam’s idea is my idea on speed.
Finally a dinner of leftovers from the party. Pizza and the cake that came with the the party package.
Our family of six managed to demolish 3/4ths of the cake. Two of the six of us aren’t even school age. Scary.
Then a final Nerf game, this time the whole gang joined in….
Happy Birthday, Jack! May your year be filled with as much joy as you give us every day.
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