About a month before the marathon, Adam realized he was not ready for the race he signed up for.
First a bout of tendentious then a month of non stop work on a deal put his training too far behind to catch up.
Secretly I started running longer runs. But I didn’t mention to Adam why. I mean, I’ve always said I’ve never wanted to run a race that long, right?
When I got up to 11 miles I realized I did not have the time to train or want to build up to another 14.2 miles.
I thought that was the end of that, but Adam came home from work one night and told me he was going to run the first part of the marathon then duck out near our house instead of finishing.
It sounded so unsatisfying.
I suggested I run to our house, the first 9.2 miles, and he finish the last 17. He agreed.
Team Calisoff was born.

Rookie mistake, waiting until the last minute to use the bathroom.
After seeing the start of the race, I now understand why he wanted to do part of it, even if he couldn’t finish all.

30 minutes of walking to get to the start. Can you see the start in this picture?
I envisioned a crowded run, the participants getting in my way and ruining the flow of my ear plugged zen.
But I never even used my ear plugs because submersing yourself in the sights and sounds of the run were all part of the experience.
And even though it was crowded, it wasn’t so bad that I was annoyed.
I saw so many great signs. So many fans making such an effort! I few ones that I remember, “If Trump can run it, you can too”, “Brittney Spears Survived 2007, you can Survive 26.2”, “The Kenyans are Drinking all the Beer”, “Worst Parade Ever”, “I like your Stamina, Call me”, “26.2 miles is a lot of work for a banana”, and a surprising number of fart and poop jokes.
I also ran past the ROTC spinning guns in unison, and had the pleasure of running through boys town which had a few stages of drag queens dancing for us.
And sweet moments too, like when I happen to look up and spot windows full of people in their nursing home with their ‘go runners’ signs, waving. I made sure to high five every single kid I saw standing on the sidelines with their hand out, looking at the runners hopefully.
I made it to 9.2 miles in good form to find my cheering section waiting for me with bells.

I handed the race number over to Adam and off he went.
We finished with a combined time of 4:26.
Adam arrived home covered in salt, walking funny, and wrapped in heat sheet foil.
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