Halloween 2024

Another event on Jack’s list of ‘lasts’, the last year he will have his buddies over on Halloween night, a tradition that has been going on for over 10 years. I don’t even have a photograph of this because it’s a bit awkward to go downstairs and ask a bunch of high schoolers to pose for pictures for you. So you’ll just have to imagine your own mental image of 5 kids who have known each other forever sitting around gaming, chatting and eating.

Ben did not trick or treat this year but did have his buddy over to hang out.

Handing out Candy

The twins also had a ton of people come over. Adam walked them around the neighborhood and got them all LOTS of candy.

Can you Spot the Twins?

We were late organizing costumes for the twins this year so a lot of the costumes were not available. As an alternative I found these masks that they could use if they didn’t find any other costume they liked…play video below to see how he masks work…

Multi Faced Masks

After we found them Aaron stopped looking for a more traditional costume. But Sam keep going, eventually he found this wacky Fortnite character named Guff. Here is a video of him doing the Gangnam Style Fortnite Emote.

Fortnite Gangnam Style Emote

After trick or treating and dinner, the younger kids took over the top level, doing the same thing the older kids were doing on the bottom level of the house, gaming, talking, and eating.

Playing Quiplash

Another Halloween under the books! It’s been about 2 and 1/2 weeks and Aaron’s candy is pretty much all gone but Sam still has most of his. Typical.

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End of Competitive Soccer

Last week we went to Jack’s End of Season Banquet for his high school soccer team.

As Jack is a senior, this will be his last year playing competitive soccer. It was bittersweet to see something that he has spend over 10 years doing come to an end.

He had a good 10 years, including many years with Adam as his coach.

September 2015, AYSO Team
June 2016 – AYSO, Adam’s first coaching job
June 2017 – AYSO team. This year, they medal at SoccerFest
October 2017 – Another AYSO Team
May 2019 – AYSO
September 2019 – AYSO. This season was cut short due to COVID

After COVID ended Jack started high school soccer.

His Freshman year he played for the Fresh/Soph team under Coach Matt Dunaway. Unfortunately he pulled his hip flexor this year and spent most of the season on the side line.

Fresh/Soph Fall 2021

When we got to the high school level, we realized Jack had to do more to get to the higher level teams, so that year we signed him up for travel soccer.

The next year, he was able to successfully move up to JV with Coach Matt Levine.

They had a great year! They even won the Under Armor Tournament. And Jack got an award, for Most Improved Player of the Year.

JV Team Fall 2022 – Under Armor Tournament Winners

Around this time I saw an email asking if anyone would like to take over the emails and website for the high school soccer booster program. I volunteered for the position and started to work with the program.

Once the coaches got to know me they would chat with me after practices and games. I told the Fresh/Soph coach that my husband did some coaching then proceeded to tell him the story where my husband won soccer fest by finding a way to use the worst player of the team to their advantage against the best player on the opponents team.

The next day when Adam and I went to pick up Jack from practice, all the coaches descended on our car and asked if Adam would like to help coach.

Assistant Coach Adam and Jack – JV Fall 2023 pictured with the Fresh/Soph 2023 Team

Jack had a great year in 2023. He recieved another award this year, this time for Defensive Player of the Year.

His final year, he played for JV. He was awarded the Captain position. However, on the last practice before the season started, he broke his nose. He had to have surgery and stay on the sidelines until it healed.

Captain and Coach, Father and Son

Once he was able to play again, he still had to wear a protective mask.

Playing defense and wearing a mask to protect his nose.

Finally in the last month of the season, he was able to play mask free.

Senior Night

Once again Jack received an award in his final year, this year it was for Leadership.

Leadership Award Winners at the End of Season Banquet

In addition to the banners shown above on Senior Night, the booster program also gave out hoodies to all the Seniors.

Senior Hoodies

Jack has already expressed an interest in playing soccer off season with his travel team. And maybe he will join an intramural team when he gets to college? So it may not be totally over for him as far as enjoying the sport, but the competitive nature, where you are hand picked because of your level of expertise, is over now.

Maybe he’s not even sad? When I was in high school I never thought about the fact that my senior year was a long series of last moments. I was too busy looking forward to the future – college!

And we are in the thick of college now. Jack has completed all his applications and is waiting to hear back from most of colleges that he applied to. Stay tuned for an update on this, hopefully soon!

I guess the real question is, will Adam still coach?!

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