We got back to Chicago just in time to enjoy the annual Easter Egg Hunt.
It was a gorgeous day for a picnic and egg hunt. Last year we were in snowsuits, this year short sleeve tops. You never know what you are going to get weather wise in Chicago.
I was giddy to see all my friends again. Even though I often go a week or more without seeing them, I felt like kissing them all today because after our weeklong California vacation, it felt like I hadn’t spent time with them in a million years.
Everyone brought their own picnic and we shared all the toys. Here are a few things that kept the kids busy…



Sack Races


Bean Bag Toss

Stomp Rocket

Two different playgrounds to choose from.

The older boys preferred running, tree climbing, and wrestling games. No need for a playground or toys at this age!
After all this fun it was time for more fun… Easter Egg hunting!
Last year Ben insisted on eating every egg on the spot, which drastically reduced his overall haul. This year Adam talked to him at length about grabbing all you can then opening them later. It kind worked.

Jack filled his entire bucket! Then nicely shared some with the twins.

The twins first egg hunt.
This year was the first year the twins were old enough to egg hunt. After I took this picture I grabbed one of them and ran to the eggs while Adam grabbed the other one.
Our friend Laurie (in the white) said it reminded her of the Hong Kong nannies. When she lived there, she noticed they were so competitive that they would grab the kids and run with them instead of letting them race themselves! Well, Laurie, if I don’t help the twins there will be no kid to steal candy from! Ben and Jack are too old!

The happy hunters and their haul.

Afterwards we all pig out on candy. Some of us ate lunch too…
It was another successful Easter and I want to thank everyone for making the effort this year with eggs, candy, toys and lunch. Can’t wait to do it again next year!
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