Rosh Hashanah 5777

My handsome men heading to the temple.

My handsome men heading to the temple.

L’Shanah Tovah!

Today we celebrated Rosh Hashanah.

Now that Jack is in Hebrew school, he has started to observe the holidays with Adam.

Which means he doesn’t attend school, but goes to the high holiday services instead. He was pretty happy to trade 7 hours of school in for 1 and 1/2 hours at the temple.

Afterwards we celebrated with some of the traditional new year food.

I had a big helper in the kitchen this year…

dsc_0839Together we made this:

Honey Apple Cake

It turned out just like the picture, and tasted delicious!dsc_0842

We also feasted on latkes, green beans, turkey, matzoh ball soup, challah, and chopped liver.dsc_0845

The kids fully enjoyed the opportunity to eat carbs exclusively for dinner and dessert. It was a carb fiesta!

Blessing the bread

Blessing the bread

May everyone have a healthy and happy new year, whenever it starts for you!!!

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