More Toy Organization

Well I guess 6 hours of Lego clean up wasn’t a total waste of time.


I mean, it was a total waste of MY time, but watching the kids renew their interest in the legos gave me some satisfaction.

But it also made me realize what a state of disarray the rest of the toys were in.

Some days Aaron will ask me over 20 times where something is and all I can say is, “It’s somewhere in the house, it will show up eventually.”

For months we have been shoving toys in the bins randomly. As a result no one can find anything or play with the toys the way they were intended.


So I spend the better part of 2 days (which made the Lego project look like kid’s stuff, hahahaha!) shlepping to IKEA, re-sorting and paring down the basement.

The point of no return...

The point of no return…

And the final reveal….

IMG_2231Toy bins have been reorganized and labeled with pictures so even my non-readers have no excuse when it’s clean up time!


Perhaps I should now introduce a nightly clean up time…

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