As soon as school finished for winter break, we packed up and headed down to Florida.
Many of us were still fighting off whatever sickness we seemed to be passing around so the vacation started slowly. The first night we arrived I slept 11 hours.
But slowly we all recovered and started to do fun Florida things.
We ate a lot of good food. Sometimes this consisted of date nights with Adam while my father babysat the kids. Sometimes it was with family. Sometimes it was with friends.

One day we went down to Miami. Above are the pictures of the boys enjoying real Cuban food. We also spent some time wandering around.

While we were in Miami, my friend Laura took the Brightline down from Orlando to see me for the night.

Afterwards, Adam dropped Laura and I off at my friend Gina’s house and we had a girls night. It included dancing. Lots of dancing. On the train back, Laura said she had exercised more in the last 12 hours than she had in weeks.

For New Year’s Eve, our friend Tony from high school organized a group of us to go see Mike Vecchione open for Nate Bargatze.

And there was more! The boys played lots of basketball and tennis. We also did some running. And walking. Which sometimes turned into running.

One day while Adam took the other kids golfing, Ben and I stayed home and made Rugelach with my father.

It was another wonderful vacation in Florida. I’m missing it already. Until next time!!!
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