Gong Hei Fa Choi!

Or Happy New Year to all my friends who are celebrating it now!

Tonight we celebrated with our friends the Carlssons. For once it was Ben who introduced us. Usually a parent’s friend group closely resembles the friend group of the first born, not second.

Asian Salmon, Fried Rice, Dumplings and Egg Rolls were for dinner.

Asian Salmon, Fried Rice, Dumplings and Egg Rolls for dinner.

They have 3 kids. Which means, like us, no matter what, they are always outnumbered.

And they have kids in the same age range. Which means we have all gotten to a point where we let them run wild in rooms we are not in and hope that nothing too terrible happens.

Luckily tonight there was a minimum of crying and fighting so the adults were actually free to enjoy adult conversation and beverages.

Is it Halloween or the New Year?

Is it Halloween or the New Year?

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