A Visit from My Family

My father and sister came up last week to visit us for what I hope will become an annual tradition.

My father turned 82 while he was here. It was so nice to be able to celebrate with him this year!

Birthday Dinner at Earl’s
Dad Requested a Marzipan Cake for this Bday and Chicago’s Lutz Bakery Delivered Deliciously!
Bday Presents Reveal that the Apples Don’t Fall Far From the Tree

They say age is just a number and my father has definitely proved the adage true. He is in better shape both mentally and physically than some people I know who are our age. While he was here he helped fix a broken door, two towel racks, did all the dishes and laundry and also helped babysit the kids to Adam and I could go out. He also worked with Jack helping with Algebra II and Physics. He went to Ben’s art class and met his tutor. And he spent hours and hours watching (and talking about!) soccer.

Soccer Fans at Jack’s Game
Chicago Fire Game
Chicago Fire v New England Revolution

We were so sad to see them both go. I hate that they live so far away! Until next time (which I hope will be soon…)

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