Ben enjoyed one last play date with his BFF before school starts for him next week.
The forecast was for rain so we booked Sky High Trampoline Park.
When the day finally arrived, it was sunny and beautiful out, but it was probably for the best because the place was not over crowded.
I wrongly envisioned a relaxing sit on one of the couches with Ben’s BFF’s mom.
Turns out, under 6 and over 6 are in two different areas so I spent most of my time running from one place to the next.
Still, it was really cool to see the kids all jumping with youthful delight. Trampolines are often used in therapy for kids on the spectrum so this was perfect for Ben.
The twins were surprisingly physical with each other. I spent a huge amount of time telling them to keep their hands to themselves. Chasing, then tackling – this seems to be an innate, testosterone type activity.
I also diverted them to the foam pits.
I got a groupon for this activity. With the groupon, 2 hours of jump time was $14 instead of $22.
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