4th Night of Hanukkah 2016


This morning the Hanukkah Bears found themselves surrounded by the house dinosaurs.

Today Adam was at work and I was here by myself with the four kids.

We actually stayed in and played with each other in true winter fashion. When it’s so cold out, you can relieve yourself of the guilt of not getting the kids out for some fresh air.

Instead, video games, TV, pulling puzzles and other toys from the shelves, exploring some of our new toys (I reconfigured the marble run and played countless games of Trouble!), and of course, wrestling transpired. Always wrestling.dsc_0559 dsc_0565

The kids only changed out of their jammies in time to bath and put on new ones.

Adam came home around dinner time and lit the candles, the older kids are starting to mumble through the blessing on the candles quite confidently by now.dsc_0572

And then it was present time again.

This time Jack got a glow in the dark capture the flag game. Can’t wait to set that up with his buddies!dsc_0576

Sam and Aaron got duplo Lego sets.dsc_0579

And Ben, on a tip from his teacher, got another board game, Zingo Sight Words.dsc_0578

Until tomorrow, dear readers, when we do it all again!!!

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