As a last minute decision, Adam decided to book a few nights stay in St Louis for Jack’s spring break.
It was last minute because Adam didn’t know if he would be too busy with work to go or not. But in the end he thought he could swing it.
Of course, once it was booked and the kids were told, he got busy, In fact, I’m pretty sure anytime Adam decides to book a trip, it gets busy. Hmm, I think I’m onto something here. Next time he is worried he’s not busy enough, I’m going to suggest he book a trip.
Still, it’s Adam, so he managed to juggle it all like the superman that he is.
The kids got to see Lincoln’s cabin on the way over to St. Louis.

Museum at Lincoln’s Cabin in Lerna, IL

Walking the grounds at Lincoln’s Cabin
The boys spent precious few minutes walking around the museum and log cabin, complaining about the bugs. We are definitely raising city kids. Half of them didn’t want to get out of the car for the picnic!
Finally we got them all out and they actually spent a lot of time throwing sticks into the lake (Aaron was in stick heaven) and blowing dandelions. We could have just stopped at the side of the road instead of driving the extra hour to Lincoln’s cabin! Still, it was cool to see them settle in and be boys.
To destroy the dandelions, throw things, get sweaty and play in the mud. The city is too restrictive for that kind of fun.
Next, on a tip from my friend Debbie, we headed to Laumeier Sculpture Park. Really cool sculptures that the kids were disappointed they couldn’t climb all over.
Instead they spent a huge part of the time throwing rocks at this tree. Aaron collected rocks instead. Raising boys is nothing like my childhood and a constant amazement to me.
The next day I took the boys swimming at the pool while Adam worked.

Waving to Adam while he works downstairs
Then after the work calls were over, we took in the Gateway Arch.
If you haven’t been, let me warn you – you get to the top by taking a very small, 5 seater tram. All the kids were completely freaked out by it. I thought we were going to be stuck up there but Adam managed to convince them to get back in the little tram to get down.
That afternoon we visited City Garden. This time we climbed the sculptures with abandonment.
The kids seemed to really enjoy this park. It was small but lately I’m realizing less is more with the kids. A small new park can make for much more fun than a busy museum.
But still we tried the busy museum anyway. We heard from many people not to miss City Museum.
People were right. This place was amazing. Unfortunately, we were short staffed by at least one adult. Ben needed Adam’s complete attention, which left me with the other three. Jack’s interests were vastly different from the twins and he is still to young to feel comfortable exploring alone.

No maps at this museum!

Ball pit fun

Ben and Adam on one of the many slides
I think I’d like to come back to this museum when the kids are older and less scared heights and see through floors. And bugs. Besides we ran out of time before checking out Forest Park. Which means we were already talking about returning even as we were driving home…
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