There are so many things to do in this house I don’t think I need to leave for at least a month.
Today, in addition to the sticker books, decoder books and water works coloring books the kids received last night, and the Lite Brites they got the night before, they also had the new Bear House to color.
Also, this morning they woke up to this…
Hours of entertainment…
Tonight Adam took all the kids to Target to pick out MORE toys. We managed to cobble together 4 days of toys before tonight…
And they picked out the rest…
Jack and Ben still have one more gift to pick out. And these pictures above don’t include the toys they opened tonight.
Ben picked out a new Lego Superhero set. He promptly ripped it open and dumped all the different bags out to get the lego men. They spilled everywhere and I hope none get vacuumed up and or we can still build it now that all the pieces are mixed together!
Aaron picked a Zoomer Dino. Supposedly it can speak, sit, get angry, and do many other things in response to your gestures and a remote. It has a big instruction manual I’ll have to read over, you know, in my spare time.
Jack bought MORE hot wheels cars and ANOTHER car carrier. Amazing his proclivity for collecting.
And Sam? Sam went straight for the Barbie doll house.
We don’t have any dolls to put in it so we used Jack’s cars and our superhero bin. Don’t worry, Sam also picked out a couple of Barbies for another night of presents, so he can put them all together soon.
It was a late night with all the shopping and new toy playing, but I still mustered up the energy to put this together for tomorrow morning…