In the year 5775, according to the Hebrew calendar, we joined a temple.
It’s time for Jack to start Hebrew school and we were hoping the rest of the kids were old enough to handle it as well.
Adam spent a ton of time and effort making sure we were ready for our first visit to Temple. He kitted the boys out in new clothes and fancy shoes and he spoke to them for a long time about what will happen when you go to temple.
Besides naming us ‘team quiet’, he tried to get them excited about the annual blowing of the shofar.

Our friend Elissa bought the kids matching, engraved Kippahs.
We started the morning trying to do another thing Adam had been trying to accomplish for years now, the first of hopefully many pictures of our family lined up from tallest to smallest. Eventually everyone will skip over me until I am in the last position!

First official line up, sort of.
It almost worked. Except Aaron, who refused to get into his position between Sam and Ben because the air conditioning grate was too scary.
But it took a while for even that to happen…
And the whole day was kind of like that. Full of good intentions and high hopes for the new year, but in reality just a jumbled up mess.

Heading to Temple. Always running, never walking.
We picked the ‘family friendly’, shorten service. But even with the shortened time, Sam and Ben ended up wrestling each other out the door. Adam had to leave with them within 30 minutes.

Last sighting of this kippah.
Aaron and Jack made it almost to the end of service before they needed a bathroom break.
After carefully putting it into my bag, Jack took Aaron’s kippah out for him to play with and left it in the temple. So much for our cute matching kippahs.
Afterwards we took advantage of the lovely weather for a romp at Oz Park…
Sam cried the entire way there. The only way I could get him to stop was to tell him we were in a park and he’d better not have any fun. No laughing, smiling, running or playing. So he defied me, his favorite thing to do in the world…
Finally a lunch at Homeslice.

Right after we took this picture bees swarmed the table and we had to move inside. The kids proceeded to wrestle and fight with each other the entire lunch.
Later, Ben slammed his door in the bathroom door.
I decided my new year’s resolution was to stop taking these kids out in public so much…
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