Fresh Picks (Sept 24)


Acorn Squash, Radishes, Potato, Beets, Onions, Kale, Parsley, Romanesco Broccoli.

I was able to use up quite a bit of this delivery in a vegetable soup. Squash, Potatoes, Onions, Kale, and the Broccoli all made it in there. I also added tinned tomatoes, carrots and celery. Simmered it for about an hour and topped with parmesan.


The parsley was shared at a pot luck dinner at my friend Myla’s house. I brought a ratatouille.


Beets, as always were baked soft in the oven for well over an hour. Cooled and drizzled with a reduced balsamic vinegar and some goat’s cheese.

The radishes are looking quite sad in my fridge, but as of this moment I have NO idea what to do with them. Any suggestions would be helpful…

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