Among other goals that we had this summer for our older kids, (Jack learning to tie shoe laces, Ben buckling his seat belt and learning to swim…) one of the goals both Jack and Adam really wanted to achieve was to stop using Jack’s training wheels.
So on this sunny, 85° day, we dressed Jack in long sleeve and pants, took the training wheels off and prayed nothing too bad would happen.

Actually the only one who was sweating during this exercise was Adam. He just finished an 1 and 40 minute run and trying to shore up 65 pounds is no easy task.
Jack didn’t fall once. He even had a couple of good runs. It wasn’t the magic I envisioned, where we would take the wheels off and he would miraculously just ride perfectly, but it was a good start.
Were you wondering where the other kids were while Jack learned to ride?

The twins find the water fountain in every park.

Ben’s favorite outdoor past time – chalking.

And ALL the boys love to wrestle. Everywhere and anywhere.