Fresh Picks (Jan 11)

This week we received Green Cabbage, Rainbow Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Candy Onions, Baby Leeks, Red Beets, Purple Turnips and Brussel’s Sprouts.

DSC_0352I was able to pull the rainbow carrots, sweet potatoes, red beets, purple turnips and brussel’s sprouts together along with garlic, the thyme and sage from previous fresh picks deliveries, olive oil, salt and pepper in a big batch of roast vegetables that I’ve been eating my way through all week.DSC_0356

The onion got used in my lentils with cauliflower, potato and spinach dish I found in my Forks Over Knives Cookbook.DSC_0378

Finally, the leeks and cabbage were also used in another recipe from the same book, millet and cabbage.

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