Last week we had the twins 15 month check up.
It made me realize I that a lot has changed in three months!

They love cleaning!
We have managed to drop all the bottles but the morning one. And the twins have recently started eating at the same time as the older boys. They mostly eat the same food. Sam prefers fruit and yogurt while Aaron likes the carbs. Aaron is a great eater, always shoves whatever you put in front of him in his mouth. With Sam it’s a crap shoot. Sometimes he eats, other times he cries or starts a food fight with Aaron.
Sam continues to be an early riser. I have moved the bedtime up to 6:30 from 7 which has made Aaron an even easier going, happy baby (although Aaron is always mellow about sleep. Anytime you put him down he will fall asleep without crying and wakes up and chats to himself until you come get him.) Sam wakes, stands at the front of his crib, and screams at the top of his lungs until you get him. Sometimes I can get him to go back to sleep on my chest, sometimes he just kicks and chats in my ear until I finally give up and turn the light on.

Sam loves pens, we caught him scribbling in the basement with one recently.
As for their stats, Aaron is taller yet Sam weighs more…
Sam is 31 and 1/2 inches tall, in the 50%. He weighs 24 pounds 2 ounces, in the 50% – 75% and his head circumference is 46.8 cm, in the 50%.
Aaron is 32 and 1/2 inches tall, in the 75%. He weighs 23 pounds and 8 ounces, in the 50% and his head circumference is 47.8 cm, in the 75%.
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