Today I watched all the kids by myself all day long.
Watching four kids on my own made me realize something. When there is no one else to count on, I am a lot more watchful and hard working.
As a result of my vigilance, you’ll be pleased to know that there will be no gross poop pictures. All of the poop today landed in the potty or in a diaper.
Luckily my friend Kim was here with her two boys for most of it or we wouldn’t have seen the light of day. Between naps we headed to the park closest to my house, nicknamed “the little park” by the locals. It was a short enough distance that I could carry two babies, and small enough so I could watch four kids at once.
It was patches of extreme busyness followed by times when Kim and I could sit and chat. And there was a time span after Kim left, before Adam came home, around 4-6 where I really, really missed Angelica. But I still managed the dinner for all, baths for all (except me, so far I can count the number of showers I’ve had since Spring Break has started on one finger!), bottles and kitchen clean up.
Picture highlights from today. Because no matter how busy I am, I’m never too busy to take pictures!!!

We made a mess in the basement.

Sam showing off his walking skills in the park.

We played soccer for a bit.

Snack and TV time.