Last night was the first night of Hanukkah. Such a fun time for the kids! It is so much fun to watch them every night. This year we were given a present from Ben’s teacher’s that had us rolling on the floor in laughter. More on that later.
Adam took the boys up to the suburbs for the morning. Besides driving MIchelle home from our saucy evening the night before, he wanted to take them to see Nickel City. From what I understand it’s kind of like Chuck y Cheese. He was hoping I’d get a nap in, but the twins never slept at the same time unfortunately.
Instead I laid on the floor of the basement, vowing never to drink again. I pumped every three hours and tested my milk for alcohol content with Milk Screen Strips until it cleared.

Lighting the Candles
That evening the boys got their first Hanukkah presents. They actually went with Adam and picked out their own presents, so they told us what they wanted to open that evening. Jack picked his 2 remote control cars and Ben picked his busy book with miniature Mickey Mouse figurines.
We got this present from Ben’s teachers…
Can you see it? It’s a picture of Ben’s first painting at school….
I like how he didn’t take his shoes or socks off. That would be uncouth.
The evening festivities continued in the suburbs. Our friends Dave and Caryn had a Hanukkah party. Most of their friends had older kids who also attended but since the start time was 7pm, we decided to get a sitter.
It was a pretty impressive spread of food and, having no kids to distract me, I completely stuffed my face. They gave out iTunes gift cards to the kids, including our kids which were not even there. I thought was a very clever idea. One I fully plan on stealing at some point.
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