Adam’s sister Joy arrived with her husband Sean and kids Roman and Sky yesterday.

Last Night's Bath
They try to visit every year and I always find it so interesting to see the interaction. Roman is 7 but since they are both boys, Jack (age 5) and he pal around together watching boy’s shows on the iPad, playing video games, pretending to shoot each other and other boy acts like talking incessantly about their butts.
Sky is also 5 and sometimes hangs out with them but also likes to float between the adults and the babies as well. She loves holding and feeding them.
Ben, as usual, is the wild card. Out doing his own thing. I hope one day he’ll fit in with the older boys. Or the younger ones.
It’s a short visit, just a couple of days, so we are packing it with all we can. Today we took the water taxi to Chinatown for Dim Sum and tomorrow we plan to visit Bubbie then hit the Morton Arboretum.

Dim Sum at Phoenix