Beach Days

I have been waiting for our weekly beach days for months now. I’ve told my girlfriends to meet me at the same time every week at the same beach. No need to spend hours organizing a play date time and place. Just show up.

Angus, Kaden and Jack

I was a bit worried now that we have two new additions that the beach would be difficult.

But I was proved wrong. The twins were angels. Sam slept in his car seat the entire time except when he woke to feed. Aaron was a bit fussier, perhaps the heat got to him?

Twins in the Tent

I didn’t want the twins in the direct sunlight so I brought a tent I bought from costco. Unfortunately it was broken when I opened it. Luckily my friend Jennifer had another one. Also my friend Pam had an umbrella. After using them both I decided I was lucky the tent was broken, the umbrella is a much better way to go. Inside the tent was stifling. The umbrella gave us the shade we needed and also let the breeze flow through.

Ben and I Build Sand Castles (Yes, it's a sand beard)

With Kristen there it was fairly easy to juggle the babies and still have time to play with Ben, who didn’t at all seem interested in what the rest of the kids were doing. He’s definitely got a mind of his own. Most of the younger brothers are chasing after their older brothers, hoping to join in on whatever game the other boys are playing. Ben still prefers to hang out with me. I will take whatever I can get. Especially when I see Jack is already off with his friends.

We stayed for 5 hours and it passed quickly. In fact, we easily could have stayed longer.

And now that I know it’s possible, I can’t wait for our weekly beach trips!

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One thought on “Beach Days

  1. I knew that Chicago was on the lake, but I never really thought about there being a beach there. That is fantastic! You get to live in a cool city on the beach, but don’t have to be in Florida. I can’t wait to visit you some day.

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