Cayman Again

Our last day in Cayman we decided to explore the island a bit. We hit the Turtle Farm. I’d hardly say it was value for money but it was still an interesting excursion.

Turtle Farm

Just the shear volume of turtle alone was shocking. Judging by the size, many were probably over 100 years old, which made me feel almost youthful somehow. Thanks turtles.

Predator Reef

Predator Reef had this great underwater viewing area that would have kept me in awe if I were not so spoiled by the Lincoln Park Zoo and Shedd Aquarium.

There were two cool splash pool areas where you could wade with the fish but again, we were so spoiled by Seven Mile Beach’s white sandy beach, clear waters and great snorkeling that we skipped it and headed back to the villa after a quick walk around.

And of course, after our morning out, Aunt Hopey came by bearing all the good Jamiacan food from my childhood, Ox Tail, Jerk Pork, Curry Chicken, Callaloo, Rice and Beans, Fried Plantains, Cassava Cake and a first for me, Grape Nut Ice Cream. 

Our Jamaican Feast

We pigged again. I’m on a serious diet when we return.

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