“Photos for April 2011”
From April 2011, posted by Nikki Devensky Calisoff on 5/01/2011 (101 items)
- Bowling for Jeremiah Bransfield’s birthday
- Jack and Ben at the bowling party. Finally they are starting to be buddies. Or should…
- Jeremiah’s Birthday
- Vonda makes a welcomed surprise!
- Bubbie comes to babysit. Yes. That’s Ben wearing my underwear like a necklace.
- Brunch at Toast.
- Roya’s birthday at Garfield Park Observatory.
- Roya’s birthday at Garfield Park Observatory.
- The animal trainer at Roya’s birthday at Garfield Park Observatory.
- Ben pets the animals at Roya’s birthday at Garfield Park Observatory.
- Roya’s birthday at Garfield Park Observatory.
- Roya’s birthday at Garfield Park Observatory.
- Roya’s birthday at Garfield Park Observatory.
- Park 535. Making a chalk monster truck rally for Jack’s monster trucks.
- Dim Sum with the Clayton’s.
- Dim Sum with the Claytons.
- Dim Sum with the Claytons.
- Ben loved the beads from Roya’s birthday party. Wouldn’t even take them off to bath.
- Playdate with Emma at Felger. It was a miserably cold day but we were so hopeful we d…
- Chocolate donuts can keep your kids in the shopping cart for much longer. The clean u…
- This month Jack was a little monkey! Ben and Jack at the Children’s Museum at Navy Pi…
- Ben and Jack at the Children’s Museum at Navy Pier. Monkey, again.
- New friends at McDonald’s.
- Bubble Bath.
- Ben was very proud of himself for getting a hold of the bottle of suds and dumping it…
- So many bubbles!
- Rare playdate with Ben while Jack was at a drop of party. Wicker Park.
- Wicker Park. Ben eating the Bear’s paws.
- Wicker Park.
- Meanwhile Jack was at the Kid’s Table for Marley’s drop off party. How he eats the ca…
- On our way to Grant Park for the Shamrock Shuffle.
- Looking for Papa in the crowd.
- After the Shamrock Shuffle with David Stoler.
- Grant Park after the Shamrock Shuffle.
- Grant Park.
- Playground in Grant Park. Adam will do AN YTHING for Jack.
- Playground in Grant Park.
- Giordanos. Ben’s hiding spot.
- Giordanos.
- On the El.
- Adam’s Park.
- Adam’s Park.
- Jack and Benny on a playdate at Bauler Park.
- Bauler Park. Ben with Baby Adler.
- Jack and Angus scooting at Bauler Park.
- Mark and Roya at Bauler Park.
- Mark helping Jack on the monkey bars.
- Group hug – Ben, Jack and Grant. Bauler Park.
- Jack and Grant. Bauler Park.
- Date at Hopleaf. Mmmmm.
- Playing the piano at the Sussman-Collin’s non Easter party.
- Jack and Ben. Adam refuses to buy kiddy scoops.
- Musuem of Science and Industry. Ben was drenched under that coat.
- Ikea buying shelves. Jack is yelling ‘Faster!’. He’s getting quite competitive.
- Heading to the Aquarium with Oscar and Zack. Adam had the car that day and they very …
- Jack the monkey at the Aquarium.
- Aquarium. Ben gets soaked again.
- Bubbie proudly display the ‘yellowinator’ that Jack built her.
- Haircut for the boys.
- Another playdate with Benny.
- My monkey boy and his little brother at Train park.
- Train park.
- Cummings Park.
- Cummings park with Josephine, Angus, and Max.
- Hiding the Easter Eggs for the hunt.
- The Egg Hunters.
- Egg Hunt.
- Egg Hunt.
- Eating the goodies from the Easter Egg hunt.
- The Easter picnic spread.
- Jack, Josephine and Angus.
- Picnic at Cummings Park.
- Ben eating more sand. Cummings Park.
- Jack finding metal for his magnetic cars.
- Jack finding metal for his magnetic cars.
- Jack finding metal for his magnetic cars.
- Jack finding metal for his magnetic cars.
- Wood Oaks park in Northbrook.
- Wood Oaks park in Northbrook. Ben and Adam going down the slide.
- Wood Oaks park in Northbrook.
- Wood Oaks park in Northbrook.
- Ethel’s memorial at Bubbies. Ben plays with Adam’s old toys.
- At Bubbie’s for Ethel’s memorial. Jack plays with Adam’s old toys.
- Old and New. Jack finds way to use his magnetic cars with Adam’s childhood toys.
- Ben loves his kippah from Ethel’s memorial. Jack loves to be naked.
- For all my mom friends who think I make great meals for my kids all the time. Here is…
- Playdate with Kaden.
- Morton Arboretum.
- Curious George at Morton Arboretum for Arbor day.
- Morton Arboretum.
- Morton Arboretum. Jack and his monkey skills strike once again.
- Morton Arboretum. Monkey is quite proud of himself with this climb.
- Our Morton Arboretum posse.
- Mom friends at the Morton Arboretum.
- Ben with Zane. Morton Arboretum.
- Josephine and Jack dipping their feet in the water at the Morton Arboretum.
- Morton Arboretum.
- Morton Arboretum. I think I may have another monkey on my hands.
- Morton Arboretum.
- Morton Arboretum. With Grant Hutchinson.
- Jack fell in the water after dipping his feet in too carelessly. Morton Arboretum.
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(April 2011)