How did this happen?
I’m still in shock when I see the tall, handsome, competent young man wandering through my kitchen in the morning (or afternoon!) after waking from a night’s sleep.

Jack celebrated his birthday over the weekend with a few friends at MassVR. We tried their Hallow Realm game. We were broken into two teams and either played a Hunter or a Ghost.

Even I played! Not every well, but really, did anyone stand a chance against 5 teenage kids in a video game?
Afterwards we came back to the house and ate pizza and cake.

It was a pretty low key birthday compared to all the ones he’s had in the past, but it felt just right. We can hardly invite the whole class now that he’s in a big high school!
Jack’s actual birthday fell on President’s Day, which means he had the day off.
Again he opted for a low key day. We tried a new donut place for breakfast, Do-Rite Donuts.

For dinner we had the usual sushi and Chinese food from Shine. Afterwards more cake! This time from Baker’s Square. A French Silk Pie and Jack’s favorite, Pumpkin Pie.

The big change this year is that Jack can now get a permit to drive a car. It’s wild to think he can operate a vehicle. What’s more odd is that it’s obvious he will be completely capable to do that. I’m pretty sure within a year he will be a better driver than me. And when that happens I will gladly hand over the keys. I love it when someone else is doing the driving.
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