Becca Visits

This week I told the twins that my friend from Kindergarten was visiting Chicago with her family.

For the twins, who have just finished Kindergarten, this seemed like no big deal. But for me, who finished Kindergarten THIRTY NINE YEARS AGO, this is quite a big deal.

I’m humbled and incredibly thankful that I’ve been able to maintain so many friendships over the years from so many different time periods in my life.

When Becca wrote a few weeks ago confirming she and her kids would tag along on her husband’s work trip, I pulled a Julie McCoy and sent an itinerary of stuff for us to do every single day of her trip that her husband was working. Then, realizing this might seem overbearing, I said she could pick and choose what she liked. She picked them all!

So, Monday we went out to the Morton Arboretum to play in the Children’s Garden and hunt for Trolls.DSC_0464 DSC_0465 DSC_0485

Tuesday we had them over for dinner. I loved how each one of them found a partner to hang out with. (Including the adults!)IMG_9339 IMG_9341 IMG_9342Wednesday we hit the Lincoln Park Zoo.IMG_9350 IMG_9353 IMG_9360

And Thursday we did the beach.DSC_0513 DSC_0534 DSC_0526

It was so nice to see that even though almost 40 years has passed, Becca and I can still fall into such an easy friendship. We giggled like a bunch of school kids all week.IMG_9368

With any luck, her husband will keep getting sent up here, and we can keep get more of these visits!

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