Ah blog, how I’ve been neglecting you lately.
It’s not because I have nothing going on. It’s the opposite. I have too much going on!
I didn’t want to bore you with the week I spent de-cluttering the house. Okay, I would have bored you, but I was so focused on it I forgot to document it. If you want a taste, I got rid of two whole cabinets of electronics that were left here from the last people who lived her. TEN YEARS ago. By the time I finally got around to getting rid of them, I was furiously ripping cords from the back of them. Why did I wait 10 years to get these two cabinets back? We have been paying for them for TEN years!
I also spent about 20 hours working on Jack’s birthday party this month. That blog is coming soon. We just have to have the party first!
And I’m taking a writing class. My second one since the kids went back to school. I’m hoping to start some new and interesting work right here on this very blog! But I’m not quite ready yet. Stay tuned for it.
Today I had planned to work on a bunch of the above projects but Chicago had other plans for me. A snow day for the kids! Jack was super excited until we explained to him that, instead of going to school today in the bad weather he would have to make up this day at the end of the school year when the weather is actually nice.
Still, the boys enjoyed the copious amounts of snow just outside our door today.
There was so much Sam was yelling, “I’m stuck in quick sand!”
And then they took turns burying each other.
I think they thought they were still on the beaches of Florida!