Origami in the Garden

We felt like a bunch of bears coming out of hibernation this weekend.

Memorial day is always a magical weekend for Chicago. It is the first official day summer fun. Beach and pool open for the summer. Waterparks and splash pads all around Chicago are running at full blast. The sun once again feels warm against your skin and the perfect temperatures, combined with longer days, puts the whole city in a good mood.

This weekend we enjoyed many hours outside enjoying the weather. This afternoon we swam at the pool. Sam and Aaron have stopped using their flotation devices but about 1 and 1/2 of them still can’t swim so it’s all hands on deck at the swimming pool right now. No free time for photos!

Yesterday we went to the Morton Arboretum to check out the new exhibit, Origami in the Garden.DSC_0685 DSC_0736 DSC_0740

Besides checking out the exhibit, we cruised around to all the usual spots we like to frequent when we go.

Tadpole & Frog Pond

Tadpole & Frog Pond

Every time we visit, Aaron is obsessed with these rocks.

Every time we visit, Aaron is obsessed with these rocks.

Aaron manages to get everyone else to carry them for him.

Aaron manages to get everyone else to carry them for him.

The Creek

The Creek, coming up with a plan for a dam.

Ben was a bit overwhelmed by the creek.

Ben was a bit overwhelmed by the creek. Adam calmed him down.

The Rope Bridge

The Rope Bridge

The natural playground

The natural playground

It was a glorious weekend and we are so looking forward to all the summer fun ahead of us.

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