2nd Night of Hanukkah 2016

The second day of Hanukkah landed on Christmas day this year, and this morning those cheeky bears gave a nod to that other holiday.dsc_0454

They were sitting on the gift my sister’s family got our kids this year.dsc_0459

A Cuisinart ice cream maker with special toppings!img_5704

After that excitement, we headed off to do what Jews do best on Christmas, eat Chinese food.img_5690

Dim Sum!

We followed it up with our usual stop by St Anna’s bakery in Chinatown for pineapple custard buns. (And a bubble tea for me!)img_5701

After, a quick stop home to complete some homework and mess around with our new legos. Then it was back out again with the Gator, this time to a different park.dsc_0481

This Gator has been getting us out no matter what the weather every day! I noticed we were the only ones who thought it was appropriate to be in the park today…dsc_0477

Tonight we had the candle lighting and opened a few more small toys for the kids to play with, flashlights, lego calenders and a card holder for our increased interest in card games, namely UNO.


Mesmerized by the candles.

Mesmerized by the candles.

And now, my dear readers, I must sign off. Time to set up the Hanukkah Bears for day three…

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