Mom and Sister visit

Three days after my father left, my mother and sister flew in to help me out for the rest of my month with 4 kids.

I often see the quote, “Family is everything.” Right now everything in my life is about my family, and I am so incredibly lucky to come from the kind of family who rallies around me to help me when I need it the most.IMG_4997

My first family (father, sister and mother) coming out to help tirelessly for the month of August with current family must feel like the guy who figured out peanut butter goes with jelly. The joy of watching everyone I love from different generations interact together makes my heart sing.

Friday was my mother’s birthday.

Her treat was for her to surprise me on a shopping trip by paying my bill.

Then Adam and I dumped the kids on her and my sister for the night and went to the Billy Joel concert.

Wrigley Field

Wrigley Field

We didn’t even come home afterwards, instead using our Hilton points to stay the Waldorf Astoria.IMG_5011

While we were relaxing and sleeping in, my sister and mom put up with many tantrums, fights, butt wipes (and butt cream!), and still managed the house so well that when Adam and I returned home it was much cleaner than I ever manage to make it.

Lara turned all the kids into 'hot dogs'.

Lara turned all the kids into ‘hot dogs’.

Double Trouble

Double Trouble

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We also had a 1:1 ratio for the kids at our annual block party. Which mean Jack benefitted as well, he was allowed to invite some of his buddies to enjoy the fun as well.

We also got a chance to eat lots of Chinese food!

At Shine

Shine Restaurant

Shine Restaurant

And Dim Sum at Ming HinDSC_0585

And Cheng Du ImpressionIMG_5036 IMG_5037

This morning Lara left, but I still have mom to help me make it until both older kids are back in school.

If the saying “Family is Everything” is true, then I truly have everything.

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