There was quite a lead up to Halloween this year.
The twins spent countless hours watching kids Halloween cartoons and now have arsenal of songs and creative play involving zombies, mummies and witches. (See above tab with October’s Monthly Video or go to our Nikki’s YouTube Channel).
Jack and Ben both picked out their own costumes and as I mentioned last blog, Ben completely stole the show.
Adam spent many hours taking him and Sam out on the streets trick or treating and over and over again people complemented him on having the best costume ever.
We had our annual Halloween party and had lots of our friends (mostly with kids Jack’s age) come by and enjoy.
We made a dance party in the backroom with a laser light and a Jambox connected to Amazon Prime music, mostly Kids Bop and Halloween music.

Ceiling with laser. The green stars moved. Picture doesn’t do it justice.
We also had lots of LED stuff. Hair pieces, bouncy balls that light up when thrown, and flashing rings.
Surprisingly the basement wasn’t a complete wreck. By the time they get as old as Jack, they don’t care about the toys anymore. Instead the kids made a makeshift hamster wheel using our stairwell on one end and the back stairwell on the other end. They ran in circles for hours.
And Aaron? Aaron did a bit of trick or treating but was surprisingly more interested in handing out candy.
His method was to grab a handful for each customer. He was so generous I’m pretty sure I saw a few costumes repeat themselves at our doorstep.
We set up the triple slow cooker with a Chinese buffet of pot stickers, fried rice and beef with broccoli. I already accounted for the vegan and gluten free friends but afterwards I found out that not one but TWO of my friends are allergic to soy. I think I’m going to need a spread sheet to keep track of all the allergies and diets in this group.
Also the annual mummy dogs made an appearance with some home made hummus, veggies and fruit tray.
Cindy brought her famous cookie cake which lasted about 10 minutes after it was sliced up. She was going to bring two but her kid dug into the first one before she even left the house. Yes, they are that addictive.
People also came bearing special wines, desserts and my neighbor who recently opened the Goddess and the Baker brought this over…
Overall I would say it was another great party. But every year you learn how to do it a little better and this year I would say don’t serve Red Gatorade if you like the color of your carpet…
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