Jack’s first week of summer started and we are off to a roaring start.
Every day has been jam packed, rain or shine.
There were two different play dates, one at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
And one at the beach.
There was an afternoon at Oz Park followed by dessert at Dairy Queen.
Jack has more patience than anyone I know for the Sam’s tantrums. The level of crying has reached unbearable proportions and Jack is the only one who isn’t pulling his hair out over it. He will try over and over again to help him no matter how long or ridiculous his request are.
Sam requested a soccer class “like Jack” so we signed the twins up for little kickers. Jack helped me tremendously with the twins first organized class.
Sam, as usual, cried and refused to participate the entire time, but Jack never gave up on him.
Jack also started a weekly swim class to learn his strokes.
One afternoon Adam treated him to lunch, like he did for Ben’s week off. Jack chose the rainforest cafe and enjoyed it with his usual boyish enthusiasm.