6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

The tradition continues, even though it was two weeks late this year and we were down on numbers.IMG_9193

As we get along in the years seems like we are all busier and it’s harder to find a time we can all have free together. Even the husbands were down in number this year, most of them working and the one that did manage to show up did so, but was planning on going to work later that day.


We still managed a pack of 13 kids. (Topper and Keller missing). Thirteen boys, actually. ALL BOYS!

And yes, Hulk and Lightning are still around. As Adam said, it’s going to have to get to 90° before they willingly drop those costumes.

Despite the prediction of 90% chance of rain, it was a gorgeous day for an egg hunt.


And despite my nerves and losing a kid or two in this large park by myself, nothing bad happened and I’m happy to say they are all home safe with me now.

Sorting the Spoils.

Sorting the Spoils.

Another successful year! Thanks for organizing Pam!

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