9 Year Anniversary

I’m sorry I’ve been so slack about blogging.

It’s not because there has been nothing to write about in our lives. In fact, it’s the opposite. As I lamented to my friend Kelly today – everything in my life right now is unbloggable. It’s very difficult for a blogger to have a bunch of unbloggable stuff going on in their lives. Like asking a yenta to keep a secret.

But rest assured everything will be revealed in time. Let’s just say for now, there will be big changes for our family in the ninth year we are together.

Which is amazing to think we can still have so many major changes. I mean, so much has changed already. Isn’t FOUR kids in FIVE years enough?!! How could we keep this sort of pace going?

Nine years ago it was Adam, me and 200 of our closest family and friends partying on a beach and now the celebration looks like this…IMG_2901

Dinner at Star of Siam, our go to Thai restaurant.

Even with all the dirty looks from the other diners watching our kids shouting and laying on the middle of the floor with their shoes off, sticky rice ground into their hair, it was still a happy family moment.

As I told Adam in his anniversary card – there is no one I’d rather be on this journey with. Bring on year nine baby, I’m ready for you!

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