This week I received Green Cabbage, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Onion, Cucumber, Italian Parsley, Cauliflower & Garlic.
This delivery did not look dissimilar to the bottom of my crisper. I was happy to see all vegetables I would have bought in the store normally.
I used the cabbage and onion to make a polish dish with some egg noodles and kielbasa I already had in the fridge. It wasn’t the healthiest thing I ever made, but the kids loved it.
Parsley. I was happy to see it. It’s one of those things that goes in a lot of recipes, and it’s got good health qualities but because it doesn’t add much in the flavor department, I often skip it. This week I added it to salad, smoothies, turkey burgers.
Spinach got whizzed into smoothies. I’ve been addicted to smoothies for breakfast these day. Don’t worry, there will be a future blog post on them.
Cauliflower. I wanted to make something new and exciting with this stuff, but the minute I saw it I started salivating at the thought of more roasted parmesan cauliflower fries, the ones my friend Tracy posted on her blog.
Garlic. Does garlic ever go to waste in your house? I have a few cloves around and they go. I’m not sure how, seems like almost every recipe starts with it. I think this particular clove ended up in whole wheat garlic and parmesan bread and a marinate for grilled chicken.
Finally the cucumber was chopped into salad.
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