Last Day of Lil Kickers

I took advantage of the time difference this weekend to finally see Jack in action at Lil’ Kickers. We were able to move the babies nap back a bit. I’m usually home with the twins during Jack’s class. Ben usually tags along with Jack and Adam, but still doesn’t have that much interest in doing a class himself.

Each week Adam and Ben would take him and come home with stories of his incredible skills. I wanted to see it for myself! Also, it was the final class and just for this last time, they let parents participate. I knew Adam was excited to get out there with Jack.

So we packed up, strapped 4 kids into the car and off we went.

Proactive Distraction is the only way to cover all our kids!

Proactive Distraction is the only way to cover all our kids!

Ben was an angel, sitting there enjoying the iPad. Aaron and Sam were distracted by baby puffs (Angelica calls them baby crack because Aaron freaks out when he sees them.) Adam and I also took turns holding them when they got antsy.

Jack was amazing. Scoring goals and keeping score, his cheeks turning pink with exertion and excitement. I was very happy I got a chance to see it.



Now if I can only get ALL the boys into soccer, I will truly become a soccer mom! My husband can call me his SMILF.

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