
The twins have started to get up to all sorts of mischief in the house.

Because there are two of them, instead of following me around the house all day begging to be picked up, they follow each other around, steal each others toys, or generally find things to wreck together.

Here is what they have been up to for the past week…

Pulling down all the books in the bookshelf

Pulling down all the books in the bookshelf

Taking apart the closet.

Taking apart my closet.

Found open close, took out all the extra, stored drinks and gnawed on them.

Found open closet, took out all the extra stored drinks and gnawed on them.

Pulled down the bins in their room.

Pulling down the bins in their room and scattering the contents.

Pulling out and eating the computer plugs.

Pulling out and eating the computer plugs.

Later I found him eating soap, does that cancel out this?

Later I found him eating soap, does that cancel out this?

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