Zoo Lights

We made the annual voyage to see Lincoln Park’s Zoo Lights tonight.

It was such a nice evening and we were lucky so many of our friends could join us. Having more people around is helpful for us, but I’m not sure if it works that way for everyone. Hedy help hold and feed Sam. Mark got us food. Oliver pushed my stroller for a bit while I satisfied my camera cravings. Laurie shared hot chocolate and baileys. Okay, that was more of a help to EVERYONE, not just us.

Walking to the Zoo with our new travel stroller given to us by our friend Pam.

It was super packed and ended up losing a few kids from our group for a very scary, long 10 minutes.

Evening Bottles

Ben fell asleep on the way down and missed most of it, which I’m sure we’ll pay for at bedtime tonight. But at the time I was relieved we only had one out of the four kids able to wander the crowded passages.

As is the nature of our kids, we missed most of the lights. In fact, it seemed the goal of the evening was not to see lights, but to find open spaces that we could watch our kids run safely in. Any patch of grass with some decorative lights could have kept them happy all night. As a bonus, we hit the train and the carousel.

If you haven’t been you are missing out. It’s free (if you don’t need to park). Every bit is covered in lights and it’s not all just static either. There was a tree that looked like a weeping willow. And a light show of trees that danced to music. And more that we have yet to discover. Hopefully we’ll make it back again this year to see the rest!

Jack holding hands with the Piercy boys.

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One thought on “Zoo Lights

  1. An enjoyable read. I especially liked your description of the restaurant. I didn’t know Chateauneuf-du-Pape had a white. I also enjoyed the pictures of you and big bird at your 16th birthday party.

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