This morning I decided to tick the ‘renew your driver’s license’ off my list of things to do. It was surprisingly quick and easy to do. Took about 10 minutes. She asked me if my weight was the same as I put on my license 10 years ago. I told her if she kept it the same I promised to stop sneaking my kid’s halloween candy every night after they went to bed. It was a deal. Then she took my picture. Out of the machine came my new license. There I was, looking 10 years older than my last photo. Depressing. My only redeeming thought was that it was better than the picture I would take 10 years from now so I’d better enjoy it.
I also joined this task together with a lunch date with Adam. Good thing I planned early. I beat out three other people who later asked him to lunch that day!

Paula with Aaron
I met him at his office. It was the twins first visit to the office. A total of eleven people gathered around to ooh and ahh at the babies. No one was more excited than Paula, Adam’s long time secretary. I like to call her ‘the other woman’ in Adam’s life.
She was all caught up in a conversation when I passed the first time, but after I went to the bathroom and swung by a second time, she was up and running. “Where are the little spuds?” She asked.
Then she spotted them. She realized they somehow passed her desk without her seeing. She took the papers she was holding and slung them, mid run, at a nearby desk. They fell and cascaded who knows where. “How did they managed to get past GO without paying $200?” was her next question.

How I Eat my Ramen
It was all snuggles and cuddles and after a while I wondered if I snuck out for a bit if anyone would notice. Michigan avenue was sooo close…
Afterwards we had a lovely lunch. I went back to The Slurping Turtle. I needed to satisfy the ramen craving I’ve been having. And this place does ramen the best I’ve ever tasted in the city.
The afternoon brought two good long naps at the same time for the twins. Part of the nap I was able to lay in my bed, then another part I fed Aaron in the bed until he fell asleep then wedged him between pillows and ran to feed a crying Sam. Sam then fell asleep on the boppy in front of me and the next thing I knew Anjelica was opening the front door. It was 1 and 1/2 hours of interrupted sleep, but it still felt good.
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