Happy Birthday Hedy!

The Photo Booth

The long and exhausting day on Saturday took a turn for the better around 5:30.

I had a pedicure at 5:30. I felt bad walking out of the house, leaving Adam and my mother with four kids. Adam already seemed at his limit with Ben’s new habit of hysterical fits for no reason. But there was only so much vanity I could give up for these kids. So I left. Walking out of the chaos of our house onto the street is a surreal experience. Every moment there is someone crying, a diaper to change, someone to get food for, or breast feed. Someone to bath, someone to dress, someone who needs a toy fixed, the TV turned on, a boo-boo kissed. Open and close a single door and … silence.

Hedy and Mark

After the relaxing pedicure our babysitter from last year, who recently moved back to town, arrived. Adam and I headed out to the Paris Club for our friend Hedy’s 40th birthday. They rented the private room and had a very cool, “ooh la la … oy vey” themed party. There was drinks, great food and a photo booth which we spent a lot of time playing in.

I feel like I’ve seen a lot of 40th birthday parties in the past few years. Few are great. One was more like a party for your 21st birthday. Another more like what you would do at your 60th. But this party was perfect. Hedy had the luck of good friends, a happy marriage, a lovely daughter and a progressive career. Her husband gave a speech praising her as a mother and also said she looks even hotter now than she did when they first met.

Sweet Mandy B's - Yum!

It was so nice to sit down and have food served to you. No one was crying for my attention. No one was fighting and needed refereeing. We had actual, uninterrupted adult conversation!

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