At my last doctor’s appointment I learned that I was 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated. This made me want to go home and pack a bag, but apparently you can be effaced for weeks without going into labor. Still, I never heard that I was effaced before labor from my last two pregnancies and it makes me constantly think with any pain – am I in labor? I don’t want to deliver these kids on my bathroom floor!
The doctor also said no sex, no exercise. Ha ha ha! It wasn’t my normal doctor, who was delivering someone else at the time and I completely ignored his advice. I admit I’m taking it easier with this pregnancy, but I still have to walk around, run errands, pick Ben out of the tub, etc. I have no idea how people do when they are ordered on bed rest.
We get to see the twins again this week for another growth ultrasound. Even Jack asked if he could come. It won’t happen until Friday, but since the bigger they get, the harder it is to get a good picture, I didn’t bother waiting for a photo to post my weekly update.
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Holy belly batman! Great perspective shot.
Nikki, I am so excited for you. Can’t wait to meet the twins.
Awesome belly!!!! Love the pics. Take as many as you can this week. One day you will look back and not remember how big it really was. For the record, my guess is a boy and a girl. xxoo
Hope you have a magnum of wine on ice – you are going to need it after giving birth! Give Adam a glass, he’s such a lightweight now that’s all he’ll need.
OMG that’s exciting! Good luck with the final count down!! Hope to visit this summer at some point – and it would be great too all catch-up!!!!!!!
Sure! Let us know when you are in town!