This week I spent some time looking back at my old pregnancy photos. I actually did a month by month comparison of my belly for the first two pregnancies on our old website. At the time I wondered why I was spending so much time doing it, but now that we are having twins I’m so glad I did. Now I don’t have to search through my files month by month to compare. All I know at this point is it’s going to be much bigger. Perhaps grotesque. Already this time around my 3 month photo looks like my 4 month photos in previous pregnancies!
Jack was getting in the bath last week when he asked me why my nipples were sandy. They were not sandy, I told him. And please don’t touch my private parts, I added. They were growing milk for the new babies. And growing they are! As I’ve discussed recently with a few of my girlfriends, pregnancy makes your boobs grow and grow and grow. Then you have the baby and they get even bigger. That’s when you buy nursing bras. At three months pregnant, I’m wearing the nursing bras from my first two pregnancies and they fit.
The whole episode with Jack made me wondered if my nakedness was going to scar him for life. Then I thought – maybe I should stop showering while they boys bathed. But then, more thoughts. When would I find a new time to shower? When they were sleeping? That’s during my precious few hours of freedom! Suddenly a little scaring didn’t seem so bad.
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