Ben’s birthday and birthday party were celebrated on the same day this year.
He requested a Star Wars themed birthday party. Which I did my best to accommodate.
Before the guests arrived, I had a ‘Make Your Own Droid’ station set up for them. I also set up a Star Wars Cookie decorating station.
Soon after guests arrived, the pizzas were delivered.
After lunch, we started the games. I organized only non-competitive games that the kids could easily win with.
First we did a glow-in-the-dark death star pass. The kids stood in a circle and threw the ball around. If they could catch it 10 times consecutively, they got a ticket. Next they played a star wars variation on ‘Red Light, Green Light’. Instead of yelling, “Red” I yelled something red, namely Darth Vader’s light saber. Yellow was C3PO. Green was Yoda.
Every time they passed me they got a ticket.
Next we played sharks and minnows. If the kids got the balloons off of the adults, the entire team got a ticket each. It happened so quick I didn’t get a photo.
The balloons were also thrown randomly around the house for kids to find their own uses for.After the games we did a Star Wars Pod hunt. It was actually an Easter egg hunt but we stuck Star Wars stickers on the eggs for effect. I forgot to take pictures.
I also had a charades game planned that I completely forgot about!
But they had plenty of tickets to shop at the prize table.And when each kid left, Adam let them loot it for free again.
Next we got out the cake!There were a few really nice moments, like when Ben’s friend wanted to set up an Imaginex battle for him for his birthday because he knew who much he loved that.
I liked watching the impromptu soccer game unfold as well.Finally, Ben opened all his presents and Adam spent many hours putting them together with him.